Follow and Unfolllow method
Nieco B - The Follow & Unfollow Method
The Follow and Unfollow Method

Did you just venture into a new business and you’re looking for ways to make your business and Social media platforms visible?
No worries, we got you covered!
Over the years, business owners have shifted from traditional marketing to the now prominent means of marketing-- through social media. One of the frequent social media platforms used is Instagram. People have been creative and tried a variety of methods to gain visibility and more importantly followers.
But what if we tell you there is an effective way to gain followers without using apps outside of the platform? Yes! It’s possible.
Let me introduce you to the Follow and Unfollow method here on Instagram. It is one of the go-to methods of every new account holder, entrepreneurs, or anyone who wanted to boost their sales or visibility. In a nutshell, it is done by following your targeted audience and looking for engagement in return. This
Now, you might be thinking how does it actually work? Read on and follow the instruction carefully, and soon enough you’ll gain more followers and visibility.
The Method
1. We start off by acquiring the target accounts or hashtags provided by the client. We do this to ensure that the accounts we are targeting are relevant and people/ accounts within their niche. We don’t want to target vegan related accounts if your business is about those slow-cooked pulled pork, don’t we?
2. Then our smart filtering system ensures that we only target relevant and active accounts. We certainly don’t want “ghost” followers. No system is perfect but we always make sure to put our best foot forward in doing this.
3. Our expertise on Instagram over the years has been developed and is continuously improving. All of our actions and activities in the platforms are carefully done within Instagram guidelines and limits. There will be times that the platform will change their algorithm or they might create roadblocks. But we always assure our clients that is normal and something which we constantly overcome as our company’s belief is: adapt, grow and change.
4. Don’t be “unfollow-happy”- wait. Just patiently wait, before we start on unfollowing those accounts that didn’t return the favor. We wait until 3 to a maximum of a week before unfollowing those accounts, this is also a great step to filter out those who don’t use the platform on a daily basis. However, for the ones that followed back we recommend keeping those accounts for at least 1-2 months, and after 2-4 months do a massive clean-up and make sure to keep accounts that are actively engaging, this step is what we refer to as: “Rinse and repeat”.
5. Combining all the elements the above, you will receive new traffic daily on your instagram. The results varies from day to day, week to week, month to month. We are targeting different people after all. However, it is important to know that there are two main factors that can impact the results;
a. The quality of your content - You have to make sure that your account is attractive to the point that people within your niche would appreciate it and have an incentive to follow back. If the quality is poor the chances of them engaging with you is slower. Higher quality = High visibility.
b. The accounts being targeted - In a few weeks, we will be able to tell if the accounts we are targeting are working or not. If not, then clearly their audience are not your audience. We have to change the target that is more aligned to your voice or content.
This method can surely be your aid in growing your account but also bear in mind that this method will be more successful if you spend some time first to do some research on the following and unfollowing limit on Instagram.
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